Cambridge KEY (KET) Speaking Part 2 Cards I have started preparing some of my students for the Cambridge Exams this year. One of the exams we have to prepare for is the KEY English Test. A KEY or KET qualification shows your ability to communicate in simple situations. I made this game for my students to practice the first part of the speaking exam. PET Exam | Cambridge exams | English test guide Cambridge PET Exam The Cambridge English: Preliminary exam, also known as the PET exam, which stands for Preliminary English Test, is designed for students with intermediate English. Like all of the Cambridge English exams, the PET Exam is a pass/fail test and for those who pass, it delivers a certificate that does not expire. PET (B1) - English 4th G1 13-14 - Google Jan 27, 2014 · Before you start de activities visit the Cambridge website for instructions: Download the speaking sample paper here to get an idea of the kind of activities the test consist in: PET Speaking.pdf; The video below is a nice example of a PET speaking test: Preliminary English Test (PET) - about the exam
Access Cambridge PET Speaking Sample Test 1 here to help you prepare and succeed in the Cambridge PET Exam. Your success starts at Greenwich English College. PET SPEAKING PART 3 DESCRIBING A PHOTO - CL Granada PET SPEAKING PART 3: DESCRIBING A PHOTO ( 1 – 1 ½ minutes per candidate) In PART 3 you have to: Talk about a colour photo that the Examiner will provide . USEFUL LANGUAGE: GIVE A GENERAL INTRODUCTION 'This picture shows …' 'In this picture I can see' 'This is … B1 Preliminary Assessing Speaking Performance Speaking tests are conducted by trained examiners. The quality assurance of Speaking Examiners (SEs) is managed by Team Leaders (TLs) who are in turn responsible to a Professional Support Leader (PSL), who is the professional representative of Cambridge English Language Assessment for the Speaking tests in a given country or region. Cambridge Speaking Part 1 - Chat Cards - Breakout English Dec 12, 2019 · Get ready for the Cambridge (PET, FCE and CAE) Speaking Part 1 with these chat cards. Breakout English brings you high quality Cambridge exam materials. Get ready for the Cambridge (PET, FCE and CAE) Speaking Part 1 with these chat cards. Breakout English brings you high quality Cambridge …
A boy is leaving his school because his parents are going to work in another country. The students in his class want to give him a present. Talk together about Download a full PET Practice test with answer key, recording scripts and audio Paper 3: Speaking (PDF); Paper 3: Speaking – Examiner's script and visual In the PET Speaking Test, candidates are examined in pairs by two examiners. is the professional representative of Cambridge ESOL for the speaking tests. Commentary on Cambridge English: Preliminary Speaking test: Leticia and Manuel. © UCLES 2012. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and Paper 3: Speaking (Walking trip). Page 24. COMPLETE PET FOR SCHOOLS © Cambridge University Press 2010 this Page may be PhOtOCOPied. 4. Part 2. Examiner. Say to both candidates: Now, I'd like each of you to talk on your own about something. I'm going to give each of you a photograph of people doing
Cambridge English: Preliminary Lesson Plan: Reading Cambridge English: Preliminary course. This lesson is also suitable for any pre-intermediate course in order to solidify students’ skim and scan reading skills. Lesson Goals 1. To familiarise students with the task types of the PET reading examination 2. To develop students’ ability to recognise key language and possible antonyms and Pet for Schools Speaking sample paper part 1 phase 1 Speaking Test 1 (Teenage bedroom) Part 3 (3 minutes) Interlocutor Say to both candidates: Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own about something. I’m going to give each of you a photograph of teenagers in their bedrooms at home. Candidate A, here is your photograph. PRELIMINARY ENGLISH TEST SAMPLE TEST 6 … PRELIMINARY ENGLISH TEST. Reading and Writing . SAMPLE TEST 6 Time. 1 hour 30 minutes . INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES. Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so. Write your name, centre number and candidate number on your answer sheets if they are not already there. Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully.
B1 Preliminary Assessing Speaking Performance